Stars & Letters: Year One

Stars & Letters

On February 1st of this year, our very good friend, Mark Roberts (of We Are Temporary // The Enright House) started up his own label.  Stars & Letters is a “small Brooklyn record label, dedicated to releasing great music by emerging artists.”  And it’s good – really good.  Mark and his tight roster of artists put out chill, dreamy electronics with pop/wave influences.

To celebrate the end of their first year (well, almost a year), Stars & Letters are offering their current catalog of releases completely FREE until the end of the year.  To stream or download these great releases, visit their bandcamp page here.

Check out these awesome release for free while you can.  I’ll also embed them below for your convenience.

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New Release: 29 June 2010


Tonight’s new release is Pokket’s long-awaited debut album under this new moniker (formerly stop\eject).  It serves as the follow-up to 2008’s Falling Infinity, and features more of his style of laid-back, chilled-out ambient tracks – this time with more hip-hop influence than ever!

Make sure to check back soon for the series of exclusive wallpapers, as well as more download options.  Due to continued uploading issues, some formats have been delayed (and possibly some releases).