What’s An Album Look Like? (Or: GPSYMTH’s Crazy Pretty Limited Edition Moths)


Those are albums.

More specifically, those are copies of Ripostes by GPSYMTH.  Out today on Stars & Letters, this limited edition of twenty (only 20!) comes in the form of a Madagascan Sunset Moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus) in a 1.25 oz glass vial.  Ripostes comes with immediate download of the album, including bonus remixes by MOTION CTRL and Iglooos.

With the popularity of digital downloads and download codes, almost anything can be an “album.”  What’s important, then, is the artistry.  Stars & Letters have gotten all of that right.  These bottled specimens are honestly beautiful, and Ripostes is an excellent debut for GPSYMTH (read: gypsy moth).

See more shots of the Ripostes Moth in Glass Vial Edition here.  Get your copy here before they’re all gone.  I’ve already snagged mine.

Stars & Letters: Year One

Stars & Letters

On February 1st of this year, our very good friend, Mark Roberts (of We Are Temporary // The Enright House) started up his own label.  Stars & Letters is a “small Brooklyn record label, dedicated to releasing great music by emerging artists.”  And it’s good – really good.  Mark and his tight roster of artists put out chill, dreamy electronics with pop/wave influences.

To celebrate the end of their first year (well, almost a year), Stars & Letters are offering their current catalog of releases completely FREE until the end of the year.  To stream or download these great releases, visit their bandcamp page here.

Check out these awesome release for free while you can.  I’ll also embed them below for your convenience.


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