{{BREADKING}} Temple – The Conscience of The King

Temple - The Conscience of The King

I met the boys in Milwaukee’s Temple a number of years ago, back when they were playing under the name Arto.  Over the course of a summer, they became good friends of mine.  In the time since, we’ve released a number of their related projects (mam105, mam 174, mam181 and mam212 among others), and Myles even joined my band Pushmi-Pullyu for a while.

Today, after a LONG wait, Temple has finally released their first full-length album under this name.  It’s heavy, noisy post-hardcore that oozes with the emotion all four members throw into everything they make.  Check it out in digital form on their bandcamp page.  My favorite tunes are Football on Stage and Smooth Sculpture, and I can’t wait for the physical release that’s coming soon.

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